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Conservative Stuff
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* All options Do Not include any payments or commissions to a Buyers Broker Agent or Agency.
MAGA REALTY is AMERICA’S Real Estate Company.
Revere Realty is AMERICA’S Only True Conservative Real Estate Company.
Patriot Broker Steve Coderre and Cliff Gephart the Creator of Conservative Grounds Coffee and the Trumparilla Boat Parades are the Founders of MAGA Realty.
The moment MAGA Realty was founded, well known Patriots from all across America took notice and began supporting our mission… To Support America, as the only TRUE conservative real estate company.
If you truly support America than there is no more patriotic business in America than MAGA Realty.

Network of Patriot Agents across America
Every Client Gets a 25ft Flag Pole
At MAGA Realty, we hold the belief that every American home should proudly display Old Glory in their yard. Therefore, as a token of our appreciation, we provide every buyer who partners with us a complimentary 25-foot Flag Pole Kit at the closing table.

Fight Like a Flynn PAC
At MAGA Realty, we are committed to fighting for America. A portion of every sale goes to support the FIGHT LIKE A FLYNN PAC. No American in modern times has given more to America and been attacked for doing so. General Flynn took on the entire swamp to stand up for what is right and that is why Revere Stands with General Flynn.
Every Client Gets an AR-15*
As part of our commitment to the 2nd Amendment and to make liberals heads explode, we are giving an AR-15 to every Client that uses MAGA Realty. *Certain conditions apply contact for details.

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See What Our Clients Have to Say.